Tuesday, January 31, 2012

food journaling... for the lazy

I am trying to improve my eating habits. One of the ideas that all of the nutritionists suggest is having a food journal. Writing things down always seems like a little too much effort for me. I've decided to snap a picture with my phone (always with me) of everything I eat... I think I might actually be able to pull this off. We'll see!!!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Cupcake time!!!

I am jumping headfirst into the "blog" world here...

I've decided to focus this blog on my art, my motherhood, and my passions.  I try to use my gifts to "make the world a brighter place."  Many of my talents happen to be artistic, but every single one of us has so much potential to give to others.  If only we would all do a little more, right?

Here is a photo from the "Paint and Pour" class I taught last night at the Wilson, NC arts council.   Creating art has made me so happy- I am thrilled that other people are trying it out!  I love teaching, and I love encouraging others to find a talent that they might not think they had otherwise.  All of my students did an excellent job!!!  And, seriously, who doesn't love a cupcake?